Fun Yoga & Mindfulness classes
Welcome to my website. My name is Yana and I'm passionate about teaching Children Yoga & Mindfulness in a fun and engaging way! Yoga can improve their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing ❤❤❤

Hi, I'm Yana and I'm passionate about Yoga & Mindfulness! It inspires me to live more mindfully. I was first introduced to yoga in 2001 while studying at University in Slovakia. Since then, I was always drawn to yoga and spirituality, which brought me to the yoga classes with Jaina in 2015. I have since been practicing Hatha yoga on a regular basis.
In recent years I re-evaluated my priorities and changed of my career path. I started teaching yoga to my son as I knew how beneficial it is for children and adults. I got an opportunity to be an early years practinioner at a pre-school which proved that working with children and yoga were both things I loved and had a passion for.
I completed the Teaching Yoga to Children course in London (age 3 till 12 years) with 'Calm for Kids' in December 2017. I started my yoga classes at a pre-school in the Nascot area of Watford and now run 4 different Kids Yoga classes weekly in Watford area. Some in local schools as an afterschool club and also in a local nursery where I work part time as an Early Years Practitioner. Please contact me directly on 07857 421 111 for more info.
My mission is to empower children through Yoga and Mindfulness, to give them tools for life which helps them with their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing 🌳

Join Me
Regularly practicing Yoga & Mindfulness has countless advantages for children (and adults), from increased focus, flexibility and strength to calming their minds and learning how to manage BIG emotions. Have a look at the classes I teach throughout the week.

These classes on Tuesdays are only for children who attend Lanchester Primary School in Watford, Reception/Y1/Y2/Y3/Y4, starts 3:10pm and the class finishes at 4:30pm. It is £8/class and half termly booking.
We practice fun breathing techniques to improve focus with feathers, scarves, Breathing ball or Mindfulness bottle, to reduce anxiety, calm the mind and manage BIG emotions 🦋 We practice yoga postures (asanas) through engaging stories 🦄 to strengthen our bodies & minds, balancing poses to improve concentration and coordination, and play lots of fun yoga games too with yoga cards and yoga blocks ☺ Each yoga class finishes with guided relaxation where children rest & relax 🌿

These classes on Wednesdays are only for children who attend St John's CofE Primary School in Watford, Reception class/ Y1/Y2/Y3/Y4, starts 3:10pm and the class is until 4:30pm. It is £8/class and half termly booking.
We practice fun breathing techniques to improve focus with feathers, scarves, Breathing ball or Mindfulness bottle, to reduce anxiety, calm the mind and manage BIG emotions 🐕 We practice yoga postures (asanas) through engaging stories 🦁 to strengthen our bodies & minds, balancing poses to improve concentration and coordination, and play lots of fun yoga games too with yoga cards and yoga blocks ☺ Each yoga class finishes with guided relaxation where children rest & relax 🌿

These classes are only for children who attend Bromet Primary School in Watford, KS1, starts 3:10pm and it is until 4:20pm. Its £8/class and half termly booking.
We practice fun breathing techniques to improve focus with feathers, scarves, Breathing ball or Mindfulness bottle, to reduce anxiety, calm the mind and manage BIG emotions 🐝 We practice yoga postures (asanas) through engaging stories 🦉 to strengthen our bodies & minds, balancing poses to improve concentration and coordination, and play lots of fun yoga games too with yoga cards and yoga blocks ☺ Each yoga class finishes with guided relaxation where children rest & relax 🌿

These Thursdays classes 10:30am are only for children who attend Super Steps Nursery in Watford. Its £8/class and half termly booking. We practice fun age appropriate breathing techniques to improve focus like Caterpillar 🐛 breathing or Starfish breathing, which calms the mind and help manage BIG emotions. We practice yoga postures through fun stories like Dear Zoo 🐕Monkey Puzzle 🐒 or We're going on a Bear Hunt 🐻 to strengthen their bodies & minds, improve their gross motor skills, balancing poses to improve concentration and coordination, and play lots of fun yoga games too with cards and yoga blocks. Each yoga class finishes with guided relaxation where children rest & relax ❤